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Mr.The national level automation competition has carved a niche for itself as a testing ground for budding engineers to collaborate, innovate and excel in the f...

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Mr.The national level automation competition has carved a niche for itself as a testing ground for budding engineers to collaborate, innovate and excel in the field of factory automation. 75,000 and team‘WDS’fromCVR College of Engineering, Telanganasecured the third spot receiving prizes worth Rs. 1 lakh. Mitsubishi Electric India, a leading electric electronic equipment company, has announced that registrations are now open for the Mitsubishi Electric Cup (ME Cup) which will be held again this year after extremely successful previous editions over the last three years. 10,000 upon successful participation at the final event of 4thME Cup in February 2019 and their adherence to necessary skillset.Like the previous years, this year as well ME Cup has an intrinsic theme that will serve as a base for participants to create their models. The winning team will get a prize worth Rs. Hisahiro Nishimoto,Director and Division Manager, Factory Automation and Industrial Division, Mitsubishi Electric India said,“As a leading player in the field of factory automation, we at Mitsubishi Electric believe that it is our responsibility to provide and encourage industry knowledge and practical skills among today’s students who will be the future engineers oftomorrow. In the last edition of ME Cup, the winning team ’Phoneix’fromDayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra (U.Contest provides platform for budding engineers to display innovation skills and teamwork to create automation models, gives a chance to learn from industry experts16thJuly, New Delhi:India’s biggest national-level automation competition for students is back with its fourth edition. 75,000 while the team winning the third spot will be given prize worth Rs. We havestate-of-the-art research labsand Centres of Excellence that have been grooming students for competitions projects, publishing papers, sponsored RD projects and training in advanced areas.

The theme for this year is‘Digital Industry Through Smart Imagination’under which students will be required to independently design and produce a complete set of devices and models by using Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation products.), to build up and achieve an analogous system of smart manufacturing.All the participants will be given certificates of participation.Automation products (including PLC, Servo, Variable Frequency Drive and Human-Machine-Interface, etc.mitsubishielectric. A maximum of two teams per institute can register for the competition. The last date for online registrations and submission of proposal isSeptember 1, 2018. 1 lakh. Students are required to integrate Mitsubishi Electric’s FactoryDates to RememberSeptember 1:Last date for online registration and Submission of ProposalSeptember 15:Announcement of 35 selected teamsSeptember 30:Dispatch of Mitsubishi Electric FA hardware set to selected teamsDecember 15:Intermediate Report Submission onlineFebruary 15 16, 2019:Final Competition @ Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad. Mitsubishi Electric Factory China Electric heating component ManufacturersAutomation (FA) hardware will be dispatched to these teams 35 teams who will be required to prepare working models of various industrial manufacturing processes, energy saving solutions, smart solutions for building automation etc basis the theme.We thank Mitsubishi Electric for choosing Manav Rachna for organising this premier event at our campus and for giving the students a platform where they can share their ideas with the industry”. Amit Bhalla, Vice President, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI) adds:“Manav Rachna has always believed in providing cutting edge technology to students to prepare them as future leaders and technocrats oftomorrow.Students can register online athttp://www.The fourth edition of the ME Cup 2019 promises to be bigger in size and social in purpose. 50,000 and many more prizes in different categories.”Dr. The runner-up team will be awarded prize worth Rs.

The Competition continues to receive encouraging response from Engineering colleges and Technical institutions across the country with representation from different states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, Telangana, West Bengal, Gujarat and Karnataka. The shortlisted teams will be provided with technical support, training along with FA equipment on a returnable basis by Mitsubishi Electric India to make the model, Additionally, each team will be given a financial support of Rs.in/fa/mecup/.As a process, an eminent panel comprising industry and academia experts will shortlist 35 teams out of all the teams who register, based on a pre-defined selection criteria. Through this competition, we have been providing a platform to engineering students to display their innovation capabilities and build advanced models by using our technical expertise and Factory Automation Equipment.This year’s theme‘Digital Industry through Smart Imagination’is in accordance with our motto to support the dissemination of new knowledge and givechance for new ideasin the manufacturing domain.. The second place was taken by team ‘Con-Sol-E’fromInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)who took home prizes worth Rs.P)received prizes worth of Rs. 50,000.

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